The bed wetting is disease which occurs, when the person, usually the child, is incapable to operate it or it mocheispuskaniem, sleeping. As a result the person will be wetted, while they sleep at night. As it mocheispuskanie occurs, while the person sleeps at night, it leads to a bed which are damp unintentional release of urine by the person.
Thus, this disease is often mentioned informally as "a bed wetting." The condition is known other names also, such as a dream wetting or evening pachkanie. Its more formal medical name - night enuresis. The majority of people which suffer from it, is children, usually between four and seven years of age.
The bed wetting is fairly extended a condition among small children which mentions approximately 20 - 30 percent of the children's population. It is more widespread among boys than among girls approximately from 60 % of children who the damp their beds which are boys.
Though it is the general condition, the exact reason and physiology which leads to a condition, completely are not identified yet. The basic problem consists that the brain is incapable to recognise messages or the signals sent by a bubble through nervous system that the bubble is full and should be released.
These messages in general are received and recognised by a brain, thus the brain can set ready the sleeping person of requirement to wake up and go to a bathroom, to be wetted. Unfortunately, people who suffer from it, not accordingly receive these messages.
Two physiological factors connected with children in general, do their more susceptible to it. First, children in general have less control over the bodies, than adults. Therefore, it should not be surprising that they also have less control over the bubbles. Secondly, at children seven are younger there is rather small capacity of a bladder.
It is a lot of boys, for example, who is disturbed by their bed wetting a problem, find that their fathers have suffered from a childhood bed wetting before them. Though it not serious disease, and it does not signal the main problem with health, parents still become very excited and excited when their children suffer from this condition.
Sometimes parents actually do a situation worse on reaction when the child wets a bed and they abuse the child or punish the child. As the bed wetting involves unintentional mocheispuskanie, reprimand and punishment will not solve a problem or to force out it. Instead of on reaction, parents of children who suffer from a bed wetting, should try to support the child emotionally and to assure the child that the problem will solve itself.
The majority of cases of a bed wetting solves itself naturally without requirement for any treatments or interventions. As children grow, and their bodies become big, the bed wetting usually decreases. The majority of children will outgrow a bed wetting till 10 years of age. If it proceeds, treatment can be found. It is very improbable, however, that the bed wetting will demand such measures.